Je Reste Photographe - A Documentary Film in Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire
April 7, 2023
In October 2022, Photographer @ananiaslekidago invited me to see his first documentary film in Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire.
The invitation on my end seemed far-fetched to commit to since I had been signed off work for a year and was slowly returning to freelance work commitments and deciding on how I…
Photo50, London Art Fair
January 11, 2023
Photo50, London Art Fair’s annual exhibition of contemporary photography, will exhibit Eileen Perrier’s work and be curated by a curatorial collective - Pelumi Odubanjo and Katy Barron.
Image Credit: Eileen Perrier
London Art Fair - Business Design Centre, London, 18 - 22 January 2023
The collection, named Beautiful Experiments, presents…
Making Visible: Perrier & Mahtab Hussain with Jacky Klein
November 9, 2022
Making Visible: Mahtab Hussain & Eileen Perrier in conversation with Jacky Klein.
Image Credit: Eileen Perrier.
On 18th November, join art historian and broadcaster Jacky Klein in conversation with renowned artists Mahtab Hussain and Eileen Perrier at the Foundling Museum.
Exploring their commissions for the landmark Foundling Portraits Campaign, this…